Troubled Teen and Troubling Parenting
Jackie Chan's daughter Etta Ng reports her mother to the police, the second time she has had her arrested for child abuse.
New HK Heartthrob – Non-Chinese ‘Hero’ Policeman
Ifzal Zaffar has become an overnight hero and online celebrity after talking a man out of suicide.
Little Bundle of Canine Joy Wins the Internet’s Heart
Watch an overly excited Jack Russell terrier's hilarious performance at Crufts Dog Show.
In Defence of Straight-A Student’s Appearance
Malaysian netizens have come to the defence of a straight-A's student criticised for wearing cosmetics during an interview about her results in the 2016 SPM examination.
Dream Job: Paid to Sleep!
This is one job that won't get you fired or even reprimanded for sleeping on the job - for the job is to sleep on the job!
Why You Should Never Seek Revenge in Business
Seeking revenge in business either worsens a bad situation or rebounds in unexpected, harmful ways to yourself.
Malaysia Leads with the Best Healthcare in the World
International Living reports that Malaysia has some of the best-trained doctors and hospitals.
Avoid Cupid’s Poison Arrow
Think with your head, not your heart and be aware of the tricks up the rogue Romeo's sleeves.
You’re Not Alone, Mum
Watch the touching footage of Rebecca Slivinsky's love for cancer mother.
10 Fun Things to Do in Langkawi
Seeing Langkawi through the lens of foreign tourists and the fun to be had..
Running the Good Race
Listen to the jovial banter of Karen Loh, founder of the Malaysia Women Marathon, and supportive husband Fred Liew.
Stunning Masterpieces
Bird's eye view of our breathtaking planet, with some of the most amazing natural landscapes.
Work Smart, Hard, or Both?
Solid tips from successful passionpreneur extraordinaire Moustafa Hamwi, also known as The Passion Guy, on what works in work.