Honouring Dads with the Greatest Gift of All

Honouring Dads by telling him "I love you".

‘World’s Best Boyfriend’ Plays the Nicest Girlfriend Prank

The 'world's best boyfriend' plays the nicest prank on his girlfriend, giving her the best day of her life.

The Macron Love Story: Against All Odds

Outside of France, there is more interest in Macron's wife, who is 25 years older, than in the French presidential election.

Jackie Chan’s Estranged Daughter in Suicide Bid?

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Etta Ng hospitalised with speculation of a suicide bid.

Troubled Teen and Troubling Parenting

Jackie Chan's daughter Etta Ng reports her mother to the police, the second time she has had her arrested for child abuse.

Avoid Cupid’s Poison Arrow

Think with your head, not your heart and be aware of the tricks up the rogue Romeo's sleeves.

You’re Not Alone, Mum

Watch the touching footage of Rebecca Slivinsky's love for cancer mother.

He vs She

Guys don't get it and gals don't understand about the two genders.

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