Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 83

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Jho Low referred to Najib as “boss”.

10.13am: Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak enters the dock as proceedings begin at the Kuala Lumpur High Court.

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10.24am: Defence counsel Farhan Read is asking Putrajaya Perdana Bhd group managing director Rosman Abdullah questions in relation to the flow of RM117 million into PPB’s subsidiary company.

The RM117 million is allegedly linked to the RM42 million that was banked into Najib’s personal accounts between Dec 2014 and Feb 2015.

“However, having benefit of hindsight, my answer to some of these questions may incriminate me. I seek the court’s guidance,” Rosman says from the witness stand.

Farhan then cites Section 132 of the Evidence Act that a witness not excused from answering questions that may incriminate witness.

Justice Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali then directs Rosman to answer the defence’s questions, adding that the eighth defence witness will not be prosecuted unless he gives false answer.

10.26am: In hindsight, the SRC name is toxic, Rosman testifies.

During examination-in-chief by Farhan, Rosman says this in relation to the monetary flow of RM117 million from SRC into the accounts of PBB’s subsidiary.

Earlier, Rosman said that Jho Low arranged for the RM117 million monetary flow.

The Edge Markets

“Back in 2014, my knowledge of SRC is limited. Now in hindsight, the name SRC is toxic. Anything to do with SRC is a crime,” Rosman said.

10.58am: Jho Low referred to then-premier Najib Abdul Razak as “boss”, Rosman says this during cross-examination by DPP V Sithambaram.

Sithambaram is asking Rosman regarding BBM chats between him and Jho Low in relation to the monetary flow of RM27 million into Najib’s AmBank accounts.

Sithambaram: He (Jho Low) asked you to inform him (on outcome of transfer) so he could inform his boss.

Rosman: Yes, that is what he said.

Sithambaram: When Jho Low mentioned boss at the time, you knew the boss referred to Najib?

Rosman: Yes.

Sithambaram: You knew from previous communication with Jho Low that he referred to Najib as his boss?

Rosman: Yes.

Sithambaram: You also knew from Azlin (Alias, Najib’s then-chief private secretary) that Jho Low had direct contact with Najib?

Rosman: Yes.

11.31am: Judge Nazlan allows the application by lead defence counsel Muhammad Shafee Abdullah for a break as the defence needs to prepare for the next witness.

Earlier, Rosman had wrapped up his re-examination by the defence and had been released from the witness stand.

12.05pm: Proceedings resume, with MACC assistant commissioner Mohd Nasharudin Amir taking the stand.

Previously, the High Court refused the defence application to compel the MACC investigation officer to sit down for an interview with the defence before taking the stand.

12.25pm: Nasharudin testifies that he did not wish to be interviewed by Najib’s defence before testifying as he was not involved in the RM42 million SRC probe.

Syazwan Kamal/Malaysiakini

The ninth defence witness says this during examination-in-chief by Shafee.

Previously, the High Court denied the defence’s application to interview Nasharudin before he testifies in court.

Nasharudin: I did not wish to be interviewed as I was not involved in the SRC investigation. Rosli (MACC investigating officer for the RM42 million SRC case) called me. I am not involved in the SRC probe, so I do not need to give evidence.

Shafee: But you are giving evidence now.

Nasharudin: I was given a subpoena (to appear in court).

Shafee then informs him that it is up to the court to decide whether the testimony is relevant to the RM42 million SRC case or not, to which Nasharudin agrees.

12.45pm: Nasharudin is unsure whether the person he met in Riyadh in 2015 was really the person behind the four related letters bearing the name Saud Abdul Aziz.

Nasharudin says this during examination-in-chief by Shafee.

Earlier, Nasharudin testified that between Nov 27 and 29, 2015, he was among a group of people that flew to Saudi Arabia to ascertain the truth behind the four letters linked to the alleged RM2.6 billion donation to Najib.

He said that among the group was MACC deputy chief commissioner Azam Baki and then Attorney-General Chambers’ DPP Dzulkifli Ahmad.

Dzulkifli later became the MACC chief commissioner.

Nasharudin is answering Shafee’s question on the person that was interviewed by him (Nasharudin) and another officer at Riyadh.

This person was allegedly the person behind the four letters.

Shafee: Who is this Saud Abdul Aziz?

Nasharudin: If according to the name, sounds like a big person (orang besar), of royalty.

Shafee: Was he a king or son of a king?

Nasharudin: I do not know.

Shafee: You met him.

Nasharudin: I am not sure if the person I met was Saud or not.

Nasharudin describes the place where the person was interviewed as a palace-like big mansion in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

12.52pm: Justice Nazlan allows the application by Shafee for an extended break.

Shafee says this is to allow Nasharudin to bring to court the statement taken by MACC with regards to a person in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in Nov 2015.

The person, Saud Abdul Aziz, is supposedly the one who made four letters linked to the RM2.6 billion donation to Najib.

2.36pm: Proceedings resume after lunch break.

2.52pm: Nasharudin testifies that an Arab prince’s legal rep confirmed the authenticity of four letters linked to an alleged donation to Najib.

Nasharudin testifies this during examination-in-chief by Shafee.

Shafee is asking about a statement given by a legal rep of Prince Saud Abdul Aziz Malik Abdul Aziz al-Saud at the palace of then-Saudi ruler King Abdullah at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, at 7pm on Nov 29, 2015.

While reading through his records of the event, Nasharudin said the legal rep’s name was Abdullah al-Koman.

Shafee: Did the person (Abdullah) make a statement (to MACC) that confirms the donation which is consistent with Documents 601 to 604 (the four letters that purportedly confirms the Arab donation to Najib)?

Nasharudin: I cannot say it confirms the donation as the person whose statement was recorded was not the maker of the letters.

Shafee: The court has been informed of this disclaimer (that Abdullah was not the maker of the letters). This recorded (statement) states it or not (that the money was a donation)?

Nasharudin: Yes.

Earlier, Sithambaram objected to the line of questioning by Shafee to Nasharudin because it should be the alleged prince who is asked the question, not Nasharudin.

Shafee then tells Justice Nazlan that he merely wants the answer to one question which is that the person (Abdullah) who gave the statement to MACC officers at Riyadh confirmed the donation in the four letters.

Nazlan then allows the question.

3.05pm: Nazlan allows proceedings to go for a half-hour break to allow the prosecution to prepare cross-examination of Nasharudin.

3.37pm: Proceedings resume after the break.

3.43pm: Nasharudin testifies that it is not proper for someone other than the Arab prince to confirm an alleged donation to Najib.

Nasharudin tells this to Sithambaram during cross-examination.

Earlier, during examination-in-chief by Shafee, Nasharuddin confirmed that attorney Abdullah al-Koman signed a statement on behalf of Prince Saud Abdul Aziz Malik Abdul Aziz al-Saud.

Abdullah signed the statement during recording of statement by Nasharudin and another MACC officer in a room in the palace of Saudi ruler King Abdullah in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia at 7pm on Nov 29, 2015.

The statement signed by Abdullah allegedly confirmed the authenticity of four letters that purportedly confirmed the donation to Najib.

Sithambaram: Is the person said to be Prince Saud sign any statement by MACC on that day?

Nasharudin: No.

Sithambaram: In your earlier testimony (to Shafee’s questions), someone named Abdullah al Koman signed the statement?

Nasharudin: Yes.

Sithambaram: As an IO (investigating officer), can someone other than the person named in the statement (Prince Saud) sign the statement?

Nasharudin: Cannot.

To further questions from Sithambaram, Nasharudin also says that the MACC trip to Saudi Arabia in Nov 2015 did not obtain any documentary evidence to support the alleged donation to Najib.

3.50pm: Nasharudin will bring to court next Monday documents to ascertain where Najib was from Jan 11, 2010.

In previous proceedings, several witnesses testified that on Jan 11, 2010, Najib had been on an unofficial trip to Saudi Arabia, where he met then Saudi Ruler King Abdullah.

During this time, King Abdullah was alleged to have promised donation to Najib’s personal accounts.

Sithambaram: As the then investigation officer for the 1MDB case from May 2015 to May 2018, do you know where 1MDB’s corporate headquarters is located?

Nasharudin: As far as I know, it is in Kuala Lumpur.

Sithambaram: According to defence witnesses, Najib was in Saudi Arabia on Jan 11, 2010, but at the same time, Najib was said to be conducting the official opening of the (1MDB) corporate headquarters in KL.

As a former IO, can you try to confirm that on Jan 11, 2010, Najib was conducting the official opening of 1MDB HQ in KL?

Nasharudin: I will try.

Sithambaram: Can you bring documents on Monday (to try answer the question)?

Nasharudin: Yes.

Defence counsel Harvinderjit Singh then adds that the defence will also be asking Nasharudin on Monday in regards to Najib’s whereabouts from Jan 11 to Jan 16, 2010.

Previously, defence witnesses like former Malaysian envoy to Saudi Arabia Syed Omar Syed Mohamad al-Saggaf testified that Najib went on an unofficial visit to Saudi Arabia on Jan 11, 2010, before taking part in the official visit to the Middle Eastern country from Jan 13 to 16 the same year.

Shafee also informs the court that the defence will be calling MACC chief commissioner Latheefa Koya on Monday.

Latheefa is sought by the defence in relation to the audio recording of alleged 1MDB conversations involving Najib and several other personalities. The audio recording was revealed to the media on Jan 8 this year.

Shafee also informs the court that the defence will also prepare other witnesses like former attorney-general Apandi Ali.

Justice Nazlan then adjourns proceedings for the day.

Earlier reports:

Feb 26, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 82

Feb 24, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 81

Feb 17, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 80

Feb 13, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 79

Feb 13, Anifah Says Improper for Najib to Buy Channel Watch with Saudi Donation

Feb 11, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 78

Feb 10, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 77

Feb 10, Former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Najib, Not King Abdullah Told Me About Donation

Feb 5, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 76

Feb 4, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 75

Feb 3, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 74

Jan 23, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 73

Jan 23, Stumbling for Answers at SRC Trial, Najib Is Schooled on Court Proceedings

Jan 22, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 72

Jan 22, Court Allows Najib to Call Expert to Verify Signatures

Jan 21, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 71

Jan 20, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 70

Jan 9, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 69

Jan 8, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 68

Jan 7, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 67

Jan 6, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 66

Jan 6, Prosecution’s Application to Impeach Najib Dismissed, Judge Ruled No Contradictions Given

Dec 20, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 65

Dec 18, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 64

Dec 18, Najib’s Defence Like Infamous VK Lingam’s Looks Like Me, Sounds Like Me, but Not Me

Dec 12, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 63

Dec 10, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 62

Dec 10, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 61

Dec 9, RM500K Birthday Watch for Rosmah, RM3.3M Jewellery Gift for Ex-Qatar PM’s Wife

Dec 5, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 60

Dec 3, Najb’s SRC Trial: Day 59

Dec 3, Najib’s Day in Court

Aug 27, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 58

Aug 23, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 57

Aug 22, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 56

Aug 20, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 55

Aug 19, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 54

Aug 14, SRC Trial Postponed as Najib Down with Sore Eyes

Aug 13, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 52

Aug 9, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 51

Aug 7, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 50

Aug 6, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 49

Aug 5, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 48

Aug 1, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 47

July 31, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 46

July 29, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 45

July 25, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 44

July 24, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 43 Vacated

July 23, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 42

July 22, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 41

July 18, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 40

July 17, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 39

July 16, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 38

July 15, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 37

July 11, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 36

July 10, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 35

July 9, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 34

July 8, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 33

July 3, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 32

July 3, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 31

July 1, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 30

June 20, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 29

June 19, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 28

June 18, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 27

June 17, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 26

June 14, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 25

June 13, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 24

June 12, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 23

June 11, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 22

June 10, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 21

May 28, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 20

May 27, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 19

May 15, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 18

May 14, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 17

May 9, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 16

May 8, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 15

May 7, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 14

May 7, Najib Fails in Second Bid to Remove Sri Ram as 1MDB Lead Prosecutor

May 7, Najib Signed Guarantee Letter for RM2B KWAP Loan to SRC, KWAP Rules Breached

May 6, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 13

May 2, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 12

May 2, RM1M Golden Handshake in Final Month as PM for Najib

Apr 30, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 11

Apr 29, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day 10

Apr 29, Court Throws Out Najib’s Application to Strike Out 7 SRC Charges, Trial to Go On

Apr 25, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day Nine

Apr 24, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day Eight

Apr 24, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day Seven

Apr 22, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day Six

Apr 18, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day Five

Apr 17, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day Four

Apr 16, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day Three

Apr 15, Najib’s SRC Trial: Day Two

Apr 3, Najib Trial: Day One