Mohamad Hasan says PKR’s Streram was out to sabotage Khairy’s candidacy while Rafizi and netizens expose EC officer embroiled in Rantau fracas as the ex-information chief of Rembau Umno Youth division who was recently engaged in the party activities of both Mohamad and Khairy.
Mohamad’s allegations:
- Streram out to sabotage Khairy’s candidacy
- Incident staged to give negative perception to EC, show the world politics in Malaysia not fair
Rafizi’s allegations:
- Khairy conspired with Mohamad to influence the EC to bar Streram from entering nomination centre
- EC officer had actively campaigned for Mohamad and Khairy
- Passes for candidates to enter the nomination centre not obligatory
The controversy involving PKR candidate Dr S Streram at Dewan Undangan Negeri Rantau on nomination day for GE14 on Saturday was something that was pre-planned to sabotage the candidacy of Barisan Nasional’s (BN) nominee for the Rembau parliamentary seat, Khairy Jamaluddin, said Negri Sembilan BN chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan.
He said it was also staged to give a negative perception of the Election Commission (EC) besides trying to show to the world that politics in Malaysia was not fair.
Mohamad said Pakatan Harapan (PH) now was trying to confuse voters there that since he had won the Rantau state seat uncontested, they need not come out to vote on polling day on May 9.
“I urge voters in Rantau, locals and outstation voters alike to turn out in full force to support Khairy,” he told reporters at Gemas yesterday.
Meanwhile, PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli alleged in a statement that the EC officer, Hafidzan Idris, who prevented Streram from entering the nomination centre, is a former Umno information chief.
He also claimed that the individual had actively campaigned for caretaker Negeri Sembilan menteri besar Mohamad and incumbent Rembau MP Khairy.
It was reported on May 1 that Khairy had served a writ of summons on Rafizi for alleging he had conspired with Mohamad to influence the EC to bar Streram from entering the nomination centre for not bringing his candidate pass.
Mohamad, who is the incumbent for the Rantau seat since 2004, won the seat unopposed, as a result.
Rantau is a state seat under the parliamentary seat of Rembau.
In yesterday’s statement, Rafizi confirmed receiving the writ of summons from Khairy’s lawyers and said he will let his own lawyer handle it.
However, he raised a few questions for Khairy to answer, in regard to the EC officer involved.
“Over the past few days, netizens have shown proof, in the form of videos and photographs from Facebook, which confirms that the EC officer who prevented Streram is the former information chief of the Rembau Umno Youth division,” Rafizi said.
Netizens had posted pictures of Hafidzan actively engaged in the party activities of both Mohamad and Khairy.

Rafizi said this happened between 2014 and April 17 this year.
“Since his identity was known to the public and he was criticised, he had removed his Facebook page,” said Rafizi, adding that the said officer had prior to that, even admitted on his Facebook page, that he was the officer on duty during the fiasco.
Therefore, Khairy has the responsibility to “come clean” on the matter, especially to voters in Rantau and Rembau, by explaining whether he knew the said officer, noted Rafizi.
“This has surely cast a lot of doubt on the integrity of the process and raises further questions on whether this was something planned.
“Khairy was there during the situation. As a person holding a senior position in his party, he must answer why he did not intervene to ensure the integrity of the nomination process,” Rafizi said.
He also wanted to know what action did Khairy take as a national leader who has the responsibility to ensure clean elections, when the fiasco happened for more than two hours on nomination day.
“Did he (Khairy) know that an Umno Youth member and former Rembau Umno Youth information chief was stopping a Pakatan Harapan candidate from submitting his nomination?
“Does he know that candidate pass is not a requirement in election laws but falls under the discretion of EC’s returning officer?” he asked.
“Khairy can bully me by suing but he cannot erase these questions which will be spoken by the rakyat, especially the voters in Rembau.
“Suing me so promptly shows that Khairy is worried about incurring voters’ wrath (especially Indians’), which can affect his chances in Rembau,” he said.
Rafizi also argued that passes for candidates to enter the nomination centre were not obligatory.
“There was also something fishy in the manner Streram and many other candidates were informed very late of the requirement.
“There was one candidate who came from Paroi and stated that he had received his pass at midnight the day before and the EC officer on duty had stated the office was open till midnight. Streram, however, had gone to the EC office in the evening the day before to find it closed.
“In any case, the election regulations do not make it compulsory to have the pass to enter the nomination centre as entry was at the discretion of the EC’s registration officer on duty.”
Rafizi said he did not fear facing Khairy in court, as he had already faced 14 lawsuits filed by Umno leaders.
“This is something I am used to. But Khairy has a lot to answer as all these details have gone viral on social media.
“Hafidzan too has closed his Facebook account, but not before all the evidence had been copied and spread by netizens,” he said.
Earlier reports:
Apr 30, Rectify It by Wednesday or See You in Court, Streram Tells EC
Apr 30, Khairy to Sue Rafizi over Rantau Comments, As Streram Disputes IGP