Kula to bring up Zakir in Cabinet.
The National Patriots Association (Patriot) has told Dr Zakir Naik to shut up in a scathing attack against the controversial preacher.
He should stop instigating Malaysians, says Patriot.

“Zakir spoke and questioned the loyalty of Malaysians of Indian origin, trying to curry favour with our prime minister,” said Patriot president Brig-Jen (Rtd) Datuk Mohamed Arshad Raji.
In a speech in Kota Baru recently, Zakir was reported to have compared the Hindus in Malaysia to the Muslims in India, saying that the Hindus here enjoyed more than 100% rights in Malaysia compared to Muslims in India.
He also alleged that the Hindus here were more loyal to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi than to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Any sensitive issue on the Uighur Muslims is best left to our Foreign Ministry. Patriot would like to see Zakir shut up for now, ” said Arshad.
“Patriot has no issue if Zakir sticks to his Islamic evangelism work, but do not compare religions. Malaysians have learnt that comparing religions is a taboo, ” he added
Arshad pointed out that Zakir was invited into the country in 2013 and awarded permanent resident status by the previous government.
“The regime then used Zakir as a tool for diversion tactics. He was a convenient distraction from the 1MDB scandal that had surfaced, ” said Arshad.
He said that after calls for his deportation, Zakir has stopped comparing religions and encroached into politics and international relations.
“What he uttered about the Hindus in Malaysia and the accusations about China did not reflect on him as a scholar. A scholar is one who is very careful with words and looks at issues objectively, ” said Arshad.
“Especially at a time when our relations with China is improving. Furthermore, trade and infrastructure investment are also at stake,” he added.
He added that Zakir’s remarks questioning the loyalty of Malaysian Hindus showed that Zakir is “ignorant, dishonest, and has an ulterior motive and a hidden agenda”.
Arshad said that Malaysians of Indian origin are loyal to the country.
“They have contributed tremendously along with other ethnic groups by serving in the security forces, defending our King and country. Several officers and men were awarded gallantry medals fighting our nation’s enemies, ” he added.
Patriot’s statement was echoed by DAP lawmaker RSN Rayer, who appealed to Dr Mahathir to not let Zakir destroy the country.
“I think Dr Zakir Naik crossed the line when he recently questioned the loyalty of Malaysian Indians or Malaysian Hindus in his speech, mischievously suggesting they were more supportive and loyal to Narendra Modi than to you as our prime minister,” the Jelutong MP said in a separate statement today.
Rayer asked Dr Mahathir to intervene in the matter of Zakir by deporting him to curb the erosion of public confidence in the Pakatan Harapan government.

“I implore you to listen to the ever-growing number of pleas and send Dr Zakir Naik back to his country of origin or anywhere else as he is causing more destruction, disunity, distrust, and damage to the delicate race relations in this country,” he said.
Yesterday, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang had urged action to be taken against Zakir for his irresponsible statement.

The DAP adviser said authorities should not allow foreigners to abuse their privileges of becoming a permanent resident by creating inter-racial and inter-religious tension and conflict in the country.
Human Resources Minister M Kulasegaran has also called for action to be taken against Zakir “for questioning the loyalty of Hindu Malaysians”.
“Zakir is an outsider who is a fugitive and has little knowledge of the Malaysian history, therefore, he should not be given such privilege to run down Malaysians, what more question their loyalty to the country,” said Kulasegaran in a statement today.
Kula pointed out that so far, Zakir has not shown any sign that he deserves a permanent resident status in the country.
“This matter (Zakir issue) will be brought in the next cabinet meeting,” he added.
The Ipoh Barat MP then urged the Rakyat to unite and safeguard the peace and stability of the nation by exposing Zakir’s strategy of using religious and racial sentiments in a tolerant and harmonious country.
“Should Malaysians be split over a man called Zakir Naik?

“It’s time for this fugitive foreigner to leave Malaysia and face charges of terrorism and money laundering charges in India,” said Kulasegaran.
“This further seems to co-relate the Umno/PAS tactics that destabilise the Pakatan Harapan coalition government through ethnoreligious sentiments,” he added.