Roaring Durian Fest Success, RM28 Per Kg Perak Musang King

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If you missed the Durian Fest on Nov 25-26, where low prices reigned on the second day, don’t fret as you can still enjoy Musang King – albeit the Perak variety – at RM28 per kg, but only till end month.

The second day of the Malaysia International Durian Cultural Tourism Festival at Bentong saw the Musang King selling at a mouthwatering RM30 per kg.

The price-slashing lured flocks of durian lovers to the festival’s open-air stalls despite an overcast sky.

The Musang King was selling at an average of RM50 per kg at the start of the festival on Saturday.

However, on Sunday, some sellers marked down the price to as low as RM30 per kilo – huge savings from the normal price of between RM70 and RM100 a kg.

Besides being cheaper due to the proximity to orchards, the fruits are also fresher in the Bentong area for the same reason.

The festival, the first of its kind, was jointly launched by Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek and Bentong MP Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

It is learned the event will be held annually given the overwhelming response.

Meanwhile, social media was abuzz about a Facebook promotion of Musang King at RM28 per kg.

On checking, the promotion is authentic but the fruits are from Perak and not Pahang.

Despite being less famous, the Perak Musang King has received thumbs-up from those who tried it at Durian Station SS2.

The promotion ends on Nov 30, with two sessions daily at 2pm and 7pm.

Available on a first-come-first-serve basis, the Perak Musang King is sold at RM28 per kg until the stock runs out for the day. No takeaway is allowed for this promotion.