Bukit Mertajam MP Steven Sim steps in to help a Kelantan family of seven living in a car in Penang with a new house and job
The plight of a family of seven forced to live in a car after being deceived by their landlord has captured the attention of Human Resources Minister Steven Sim Chee Keong.
The couple and their five children were living in their dilapidated car, which had no window panes, and the rear windshield was shattered.
Unable to afford repairs, they covered the openings with plastic sheets secured by tape.
Responding to their ordeal, Sim, who is also Bukit Mertajam member of Parliament, has provided the family with a home, offering a fresh start for the parents and their five children, aged between two and nine.
In a Facebook post, Sim shared that the father, Hilmi, had travelled from Kelantan to Penang in search of a livelihood.
He found work as a lorry driver and hoped to bring his family to live with him, but they were evicted after being cheated by a landlord despite paying the rental deposit.
“This marked the beginning of the hardship for this young family.
“Living out of the car, Hilmi eventually had to quit his job as a lorry driver. But he never gave up and used the same car—his family’s home—to work for Lalamove,” Sim wrote on Facebook.
Due to their dire circumstances, two of the children had to drop out of school. Upon learning of their situation, Sim visited the family and found them sitting on a torn banner spread beside their car.
Moved by their story, Sim secured a new home for the family, furnished it, and committed to paying their rent for a year.
He also found a new lorry driving job for Hilmi and arranged for the children to return to school.
During his visit, Sim provided additional assistance, treated the family to a meal, and handed over the keys to their new home.
“When I gave Hilmi the keys, he teared up. I reminded him not to despair and said it was time to rebuild their lives.
I am relieved to know that Hilmi, his wife Yani, and their children—Syukur (9), Rizqi (7), Amin (4), Rahmat (3), and Aisyah (2)—no longer have to live under the open sky on a worn-out banner by the roadside,” Sim said.