Youths Taunt and Force Intoxicated Boy to Dance

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Condemnation from viewers of a viral video showing a youngster in an intoxicated state being mocked by a group of boys.

A video that was uploaded yesterday evening on the Facebook page of Malaysian Tamilar Kural shows eight boys taunting their friend and forcing him to dance although it was clear that he was either under the influence of drugs or in a drunken state.

The place where the footage was recorded appeared to be a clearing with an open shed in a secluded area.

Wearing school uniforms, the boys were having fun at the expense of their friend, laughing and propping him up as they goaded him in Tamil to dance.

The boy was flaying his arms and struggling to stand, staggering around in a stupor.

One of the boys holding him up says as he laughs, “He is dancing like one possessed.”

They boys are also heard joking and shouting profanities.

One of the youths appears reluctant to let go of the boy, fearful he will fall, to which another boy says, “If he falls, punch him in the stomach and he will sober up.”

A message was also posted, which reads: “Schoolboy is believed under the influence of drugs. If there is any information regarding the schoolboy in this video, please inform the school, parents or the police to act, otherwise, their lives will be useless and they will become drug addicts.”

In less than a day, the video had been viewed over 30,000 times and shared by close to 1,000 Facebook users.

More than 100 comments roundly condemned the culprits for their bullying antics, with criticism levelled at the boy

97 people also left comments about the boys in the video, with many condemning them for their bullying antics and criticising the boy’s intoxicated state.

The fatal assault of T Nhaveen is still fresh in our minds, and it all started with teasing from his schoolmates.

Similarly, this incident could have escalated into trouble.

Public sentiment is one Nhaveen is painful and shocking enough. It’s way past time to walk the talk on putting a stop to bullying andĀ getting our youngsters to clean up their act.