Still 689 issues highlighted in the A-G’s reports that have not been resolved.
A total of 93 out of 136 ventilator units supplied by the company to Ministry of Health (MoH) facilities between 2020 and April 2022 could not be used during the Covid-19 pandemic said Auditor General (A-G) Datuk Seri Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid.
The A-G report Year 2021 Series 2 estimated the loss of RM13.07 million because of this.
“There is a weakness in the management aspect of the program that needs attention, namely a total of RM145.37 million of the remaining fund allocation has not yet been returned by the State Government until April 2022.
“A total of 93 ventilator units supplied by the company to KKM facilities could not be used. This caused an estimated loss of RM13.07 million,” he said at the National Audit Department headquarters today.
The report also stated a significant excess of personal protective equipment (PPE) with a usage ratio of between 2.2 percent and 3.1 percent respectively involving shoe covers and PPE suits.
The A-G said there were 3.08 million pairs of shoe covers and 0.84 million pieces of PPE suits left.
Another matter raised by the report is the disparity of actual number of nurse positions compared to staffing requirement does not follow the recommended level of care ratio taking into account the scope of services provided at the Emergency and Trauma department.
It is states that the number of current nurses placed in the Intensive Care Unit ward during the pandemic period is insufficient and creates difficulties especially when there are nurses on quarantine leave.
“MoH in collaboration with Public Services Department needs to consider additional staffing to overcome the shortage of health staff.
“MoH needs to manage the medical equipment obtained in emergency procurement efficiently and prudently,” the report further said.
Meanwhile, funds amounting to RM812.91 million that had been allocated to develop infrastructure in Malaysia’s administrative capital had not been fully utilised, the report said.
The funds included the RM797.18 million to build Putrajaya Monorail as the main mode of transport within the Federal Territory of Putrajaya, another RM2.16 million for the maintenance of a tunnel that was a part of the project, RM12.21 million for the bus depot at Presint 14, and the RM1.36 million allocated for a park-and-ride facility that did not follow the original plan.
The report noted that the Putrajaya development project did not follow the Putrajaya Structure Plan that will expire in 2025.
The A-G said four of the six development infrastructure projects have been completed since.
But he added that only three modes of transport are fully utilised, these are: the KLIA Express Link Railway (ERL), bus and the pedestrian route.
He said the delay in the Putrajaya monorail project has affected the overall integrated transportation system, hinting that it could become a white elephant if it does not follow the plans.
“Putrajaya also has a water taxi infrastructure, but it is only used for tourism, not for transport as it was originally planned,” he said.
The Putrajaya development audit was undertaken to assess the developments in the city and use it to prepare the next framework of development after 2025.
Ten ministries and government agencies were audited for this report.
They include the Ministry of Federal Territories, Putrajaya Corporation, Ministry of Transport Malaysia, PLANMalaysia, the Public Works Department of the Federal Territory of Putrajaya, the Department of the Director-General of Land and Mines and the Federal Territories Director of Lands and Mines Putrajaya, Property Management Division, Public Private Partnership Unit and Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd.
The audit report also noted that the party responsible for implementing the assessment of Putrajaya’s development outcome is not clearly defined by the government.
It recommends the Federal Territories Ministry and Putrajaya Corporation review the development plan, with the conceptual changes of Putrajaya’s development to ensure appropriate infrastructure facilities are taken to build it as originally planned.
The A-G said there are still 689 issues highlighted in the Auditor-General’s reports that have not been resolved.
He said the number were cases with “in action” status reported between 2011 and 2021 in the Auditor-General’s Report Series 1.
Some of the cases go back to 2016 and 2017.
One of the have-yet-to be resolved issues involved compensation for the Penang Second Bridge.
Another is also pertaining to compensation, and this one involves KLIA2.
Nik Azman said no deadline was given for issues to be settled as the department was aware that some issues were complicated and involved many parties.
“For example, a ministry with issues that has not been resolved may depend on actions by another ministry to enable it to clear the matter,” he said.
He said that some issues could not be fixed fast due to restructuring of ministries.
“When there is a Cabinet reshuffle, some components of a ministry are transferred to another ministry. This is another reason why there is a delay,” he explained.
Between 2011 and 2021, the Auditor-General’s Report had highlighted a total of 10,910 issues at federal and state levels.
Of the number, 10,221 issues of 93.7% had been resolved, leaving 689 cases unsettled.