Medical experts say rape by a seven-year-old boy is extremely unlikely, but the medical report allegedly revealed the six-year-old girl had a fresh hymen tear.

A single parent lodged a police report on Jul 20 against a Year One boy in Melaka for allegedly raping a kindergarten girl.
Apparently, even police officers are baffled.
Melaka CID Chief Senior Asst Comm Kamaluddin Kassim instructed his officers to be extra tactful in probing the case, as it involved two very young children, The Star reported.
Dolls were used by the police during the investigation process to record statements from the two children.
“We have almost completed our investigation,” Kamaluddin said yesterday.
The girl normally stays at the babysitter’s house near her kindergarten until her 30-year-old mother picks her up after she finishes work.
On the night of Jul 19, the six-year-old girl complained of pain soon after returning from her babysitter’s house.
On checking, the mother found red marks on her daughter’s private parts.
The girl allegedly told her mother that the “pipit” (bird) of “abang” (the babysister’s son) had caused the pain.
The girl also claimed the boy had put his fingers into her vagina when the adults were away.
The single mother lodged a police report the next day and the girl was warded at Melaka Hospital.
Police summoned the parents of both children to the police station as part of the investigation procedure, as the report was preliminarily investigated under the Sexual Offences Against Children Bill 2017.
It is learnt that the medical report revealed that there was a fresh hymen tear.
Dr M Jegamurugan from Jasin told The Star that it was possible for a seven-year-old boy to have an erection.
According to the doctor, he had worked with urologists and came across cases of young boys who experienced erection at a tender age, though they would not be able to ejaculate until they reach puberty.
“It is very rare for penetration to happen among very young boys, although there have been such cases, which are mostly attributed to surroundings and upbringing,” Dr Jegamurugan said.
He added that if a child had an erection, it would have lasted just for a while and not to the extent of penetration.