Mariam Mokhtar: If you charge, jail Fahmi Reza, another 100 Fahmi Rezas will rise up to replace him

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Fahmi Reza’s arrest has united all of Malaysia. He has succeeded where successive prime ministers have not been able to do.

Malaysians are generally law-abiding people.

Up north, they express themselves, in two-toned colour outfits (red or yellow) and the recent three-finger salute.

Down south, they can protest on a tiny patch of grass (Hong Lim Park), provided strict rules are observed.

The people of Hong Kong are co-ordinated and organised when venting their outrage, but now, Hishammuddin Hussein’s big brother is weary of the protestors and has clamped down hard on them.

The people of Myanmar are prepared to fight for their freedom from the evil regime, even if it means dodging bullets for their cause.

In Malaysia, the ruling elite is afraid of cartoons, works of art and words. Soon, they will also fear their own shadows. The ruling elite fear the truth. They only want “yes-men”.

Graphic artist, Fahmi Reza, was arrested and detained for one night at Dang Wangi police station. His 101-track Spotify playlist upset someone.

Seven policemen carried out the arrest, damaged his front door and refused to wait for his lawyer to arrive.

The authorities wanted to detain him for four nights, but they realised that this would lead to greater public disquiet.

The rakyat is furious. There are many unanswered questions about the ‘Dengki ke?’ response which inspired Fahmi’s Spotify playlist.

Fahmi’s arrest is just the start of worse things to come. Greed, power, desire for more material wealth has created a very unstable politico-social climate in Malaysia.

The people at the top are scared. They will punish anyone who criticises them.

People at the top want to make an example out of Fahmi, to scare others into silence.

The people at the top want to punish the little people; but the little people are NOT afraid.

They have lost many of their rights. They are prepared to fight hard and seize back their rights, which were stolen from them. They have nothing to lose.

The little people feel only contempt for the elites who enjoy preferential treatment, are not answerable to anyone, are not accountable for their actions and are not subject to the same laws which govern the little people.

The little people will not be pacified with a RM500 bonus, BRIM, RM50 handouts at pasars, KFC or MekD roti burger.

Read Asia Sentinel’s write up on Malaysia’s worsening crisis at this link. – Rebuilding Malaysia