When giving away free can backfire

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Like many others, my phone would recurrently receive texts, pictures, photos and videos, forcing me to delete most of them to free up storage space.

Moreover, 99 percent of the news and opinions were either inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or misinformation. And there are countless doctored photos and deep fake videos and audio that most people would swallow hook, line and sinker.

However, I received a video clip recently that is a real gem and should be shared with as many people as possible. It is about giving something to someone for free.

The message is applicable to people you know such as your neighbours, co-workers, service personnel or strangers. It also applies to parents that have been spoiling their children by providing all their wants without getting them to work for it,

But most of all, it is very pertinent to governments globally including ours. So, what are the repercussions if the same person continues to receive things for free? It could be from you, or a government bent on seeking popularity instead of governing the country.

The first time you give to somebody for free, you are creating appreciation.

The second time you give to somebody for free, you are creating anticipation.

The third time you give to somebody for free, you are creating expectations.

The fourth time you give to somebody for free, you are creating entitlement.

The fifth time you give to somebody for free, you are creating dependency.

If by the sixth time, you don’t give it to them, you are creating resentment and hatred.

However, it should not stop you from being charitable. But remember, wanting to help someone does not confer you the right to do as you wish. You must ask for consent first.

Not all who require assistance would admit straightaway that they need help, and the poor or ignorant can have egos much bigger than the rich or knowledgeable.

But those who make the effort to provide genuine help without seeking fame or popularity are the ones with hearts of gold.

 The views expressed here are strictly those of YS Chan from Kuala Lumpur.