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Tag: Tommy Thomas

Najib Applying to Disqualify Thomas

Najib is applying to disqualify Tommy Thomas.

A-G: Why Issue Gag Order When “Whole World Will Talk About...

Attorney-General Tommy Thomas is questioning why issue a gag order when the "whole world will talk" about Najib's case.

A-G: We are Fair and Generous, Accept Najib Innocent Until Proven...

Attorney-General Tommy Thomas says we are fair and generous and accept Najib is innocent until proven guilty.

Press Con Cancelled Because of Heckling by Rowdy Najib Supporters

A press conference was cancelled because of heckling by rowdy Najib supporters.

New A-G to Lead Prosecution Against Najib

The new Attorney-General Tommy Thomas will lead the prosecution against Najib.

Lawyer of Altantuya’s Dad Says A-G Interested in Reopening Altantuya’s Case

The lawyer of Altantuya's dad says the Attorney-General is interested in reopening Altantuya's case.

Bar Council Meets A-G over Law Reforms

The Bar Council meets A-G over law reforms.

Sacked Apandi Congratulates Thomas on Appointment as A-G

Sacked Apandi congratulates Thomas on appointment as A-G.

Debunking the Myths on the Qualifications To Be an A-G

Debunking the myths on the Qualifications to be an A-G.

Agong Constitutionally Bound to Accept PM’s A-G Choice

Bar Council says Agong is constitutionally bound to accept the prime minister's choice of Attorney-General.

“Tired” of A-G Racial Issue

Hanipa Maidin says he is "tired" of A-G racial issue.

Iksim: Thomas Believes Malaysia a Secular State

Iksim says Thomas believes Malaysia is a secular state and can't help the Agong to preserve Islam.

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