PM: All adult citizens with annual salary of RM100k and below to receive RM100 e-wallet credit

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All Malaysian citizens aged 21 and above earning RM100,000 and below in annual wages will receive a RM100 e-wallet incentive from the government, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced today.

Anwar said the incentive was spurred by the success and significant impact of the e-wallet credit rollout programme implemented in the past.

“The estimated number of eligible recipients is expected to be around 10 million Rakyat comprising those of the B40 and M40 with allocations of around a billion ringgit,” he said during the launch of the Ekonomi Madani: Memperkasa Rakyat (Madani Economy: Empowering the People) framework.


Anwar also singled out the success of the recent eBeliaRahmah (eBR) programme, noting that the initiative not only benefitted two million youths but also helped the business sector generate income aside from creating a cashless society.

Announced during the tabling of Budget 2023 with RM400 million in allocations, the EBR initiative provided a one-off RM200 in e-wallet credit to eligible recipients aged 18 to 20 or full-time students at institutions of higher education.

Despite Anwar’s announcement, details on the actual distribution itself were not disclosed but may adopt a similar registration and payout process involving the eBR programme. – MMO