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Tag: MySejahtera

Auditor-General Report: 1.12 million cyber-attack attempts against MySejahtera

Attempts from a ‘super admin’ account to download information of three million vaccine recipients from Oct 28 to Oct 31, 2021, using five IP addresses.

SMS scam: MySejahtera Covid-19 cash aid

The MySejahtera app has cautioned the public against an SMS scam using its name, purportedly offering Covid-19 cash aid.

MySejahtera check-in no longer required

Malaysia has scrapped the need for people to scan the MySejahtera QR code when entering premises or at any public place.

HSO, PUS ‘error’ in MySejahtera

MySejahtera has issued an apology after it was discovered that several random users were issued with incorrect Covid-19 statuses in their personal application.

Not an offence if MySejahtera health info not updated

Ismail Sabri today confirmed that those who do not update their health status and information on the MySejahtera app daily will not be penalised as it is not an offence.

Latest MySejahtera issue: Disappearing appointments

In the latest problems encountered by MySejahtera users, some have complained that vaccination appointments have disappeared overnight.

More issues with MySejahtera vaccine appointments

More incidents of MySejahtera application rescheduling Covid-19 vaccine appointments have surfaced on social media.

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