Cabinet ministers hit back at Hishammuddin for ‘uninterested’ 2024 Budget comment

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Two cabinet ministers have hit back at Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein calling the latter’s statement “unfair” and “biased” after he claimed that they were not particularly “interested” in the 2024 Budget.

Local Government Development minister Nga Kor Ming said Hishammuddin ‘s statement was unsubstantiated as all cabinet ministers are committed to delivering initiatives in the budget.

“(His) statement, is unsubstantiated with evidence and is grossly unfair and biased.

“We are fully committed to serve and deliver all financial initiatives stated in the budget,” he told the New Straits Times.

He added that his ministry has outlined 15 financial initiatives, including RM100 million to build the first 7,000 solar green kiosks to help small traders, RM110 million to upgrade at least 200 markets throughout the country and RM50 million to install LED and solar energy street lights.

This also includes RM150 million to refurbish and upgrade public toilets nationwide and the Prima project to complete 9,500 units of affordable housing by the end of this year, among others.

“All the above are people’s centric community projects which are near the heart of the people,” he added.

Yesterday, Hishammuddin reprimanded the unity government ministers, claiming that they were not particularly “interested” in the 2024 Budget.

He said while he closely followed the budget announcement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim earlier this month, there had been no immediate action taken, especially by cabinet ministers.

Hishammuddin said cabinet ministers should put themselves in people’s shoes, feel their hardships and consider their concerns.

Meanwhile, Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh labelled Hishammudin’s statement as unfair as the ministers had followed up to share with the public on Budget initiatives.

“(The statement) is unfair.


“So many of us responded to media the day it was announced on Friday and at every event I go to, I take the opportunity to explain budget initiatives to stakeholders,” she said briefly. – NST