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Tag: Raymond Koh abduction

The Peter Chong Puzzler

He's back, and with allegations of abduction in Thailand while the police are fuming for having wasted resources on the case.

Missing Persons: More Questions Than Answers

Police say of the five cases of missing people, only Pastor Raymond Koh has been abducted and Peter Chong has fled the country for Thailand.

Activists Disappearing in Uncannily Similar Circumstances

Amri Che Mat, Pastor Joshua Hilmy and wife Ruth, Pastor Raymond Koh - four disappearances into thin air within three months.

Shut Your Bloody Mouth, IGP Tells Public

IGP tells media, individuals and NGOs to not talk about kidnap cases as it puts victims in danger, referring to the abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh.

Mystery of the Missing Pastor Deepens

The abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh has the hallmarks of a well-synchronised and professionally executed job.

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